News! And more News! :)


It's been a looong while.. :/ Well I switched websites- please check out my official website at Hunter Rose Art I have lots of new and exciting artwork!

I also created a Hunter Rose YouTube Channel! Yaayyy So now you can watch speed drawings of all my new artwork and how I draw them :) here's the link ~

And last but not least, I recently been accepted into John Paul the Great Catholic University to study Film Animation in San Diego, California. But unfortunately the tuition cost is high and I will be needing some help. I made a gofundme account for sponsors to easily help me raise my goal. If you don't think you can be a sponsor please share the link with someone who might be interested. -

Thank you and God bless,

Hunter Rose

Letting Go...

We wonder why things happen the way they do. We wonder why things didn't go the way we planned. We have this bit of hope that maybe- just maybe in the end it might work out and everything will go back to the way it was.
We wait for that moment, that little hope that keeps us from giving up. That little hope that keeps us from breathing in fresh air. But the waiting has worn us down. It has brought heaviness upon our shoulders. We can no longer remember why we waited in the first place. It haunts us. Because we are just to afraid that if we let go... we don't know what will come next. We can't see the other side. We fear the worst. We hang on to what isn't there anymore and we live in the past never knowing what could've been if only we'd let go.

But in letting go... it brings forth new life. Like a tree in the dead of winter. The harsh cold has made us dry. All our beautiful leaves have shivered up and died. But we hold on to what we have left. The one last leaf- the little bit of hope that we might save what we once had. This little leaf doesn't satisfy our longing. It makes us harden. it makes us bare and less beautiful.

When we finally let go... that leaf falls. It hurts us for a little while but we begin to realize we have set ourselves free. Free from the misconception that that's all we ever had to live for. But once the harsh winter passes... a little bright bud of green begins to show and brings forth new life, new hope, a new mission to live for.

We can't hang on to the pass... let go. Move on, and live each day a new day to complete our mission.

We don't simply live for what we hope to have happened- we live for the present moment. How can we  ever keep moving forward if we're always looking back? We'd eventually fall. Same with the future- how can we live life today if our mind is always worried bout tomorrow? Wipe those tears... all those sorrows... every last hurt... let it go- you will live better without it- I promise you.

"Letting go brings forth a new beginning... "
                                                                          ~Hunter Rose

A Little Quick Update And A Few Dwarfs

I spent this summer's adventure at an amazing Camp called Captivenia. I wrote an article about my beautiful experience. You can view it by clicking this link!-

And also.... here's a lovely drawing of the 7 dwarfs!

There will soon be an official website for Hunter Rose- so keep your eyes open! :) And don't forget to like Hunter Rose on Facebook at-

Peter Pan

"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." ~Peter Pan 

Alice Is In Wonderland

So... I've been wanting to draw the 'tea time' scene from Alice in Wonderland for a while- about four years ago to be exact haha- and I finally buckled down and drew up a picture! I really want to draw a picture of Snow White and one of Sleeping Beauty~ but I think I will go with another medium this time... We'll see how that turns out! :)

Now it's your turn- pick up a pencil and start drawing! :)
~Hunter Rose     


"To the littlest ant to the tallest tree, to the stars in the sky to the dirt below your feet... "

A Call To Help

Hello all! I just wanted to let everyone know, I have a very close friend of mine going off to Southeast Asia to help the poor. She offered up her summer to help others in need. And now i'm asking you to do the same. I know that we all cannot go to Asia but what we can do is, give the little that we have to make it possible for my friend to go. She is short a few thousand dollars and needs all the help she can get. Even just a little amount makes a large difference. I can only imagine her beautiful exciting sacrifice she has made to go on this wonderful journey to help those in need. Those who do not have a home, food to eat, or even clothes to wear. They lost everything, even their family members. And the thought that just one person is willing to sacrifice her summer plans with friends in order to give hope to the hopeless and happiness to the sorrowful. She heard God's call and answered it, now I'm asking you to answer this call and please help.

You can help by clicking the link below where you will see a short story about my friends mission and on how you can make this mission possible! Thank you all so much! 

Cinque Terre, Italy

"This passion of mine is like a candle lit a flamed in my heart- burning endlessly in the night... "
 - Hunter Rose

Saint Dorothy Drawing

I'd love to write another long post- but it looks like it will have to wait- but not too long. Hehe... I apologize for the tremendously long wait for a blog post. I've been super duper busy, with last year of high school and I've been traveling all over the place!!! It's super crazy! But I enjoyed the traveling- had so many adventures and met so many people along the way. It turns out- I am in desperate need of business cards! Tons and tons of people want my contact information and had so many questions about my art- never thought that would happen in my life.. heh. So I was constantly writing down my contact information on papers and handing them out to all these people. Fun story!

This a picture of a few lovely ladies I was blessed to meet on one of my adventures.

I was also able to finish a new piece of artwork- Saint Dorothy! here's the ink based sketch.

Here's the finished colored drawing. I used Copic Sketch inking pens and Copic Sketch markers. I will post a scanned version in the 'Art For Sale' page soon. And I shall indeed write a blog post soon! So keep a look out! Thank you and God Bless! ;-)

The Realistic Mind of a Child

So... I was having a busy day filled with school, thinking about college and other daily obligations, when I decided to take a break in my day and eat lunch with my youngest brother, Iggy- whom is only seven. So we sat there eating our meal when he decides to have a conversation...

Iggy: Why don't you have a job anymore?
Me: Because my last job had me work long hours and didn't pay me good enough.
Iggy: Why don't you get a new job?
Me: Because at the current moment I don't need a job.
Iggy: Yes you do!
Me: *laughs* Why do I need a job?
Iggy: You need money to go to college.
Me: I thought you told me money is bad for you.
Iggy: Not if you're going to college.
Me: Well in that case, what job will I have then.

Iggy thought for a while then looked down at his food...

Iggy: I know! You can be a cook!
Me: A cook? Hmm... I don't mind doing that.
Iggy: You will be the best cook in the whole wide world!
Me: Oh really? Well where will I cook?
Iggy: At the Krusty Krab... just don't get greedy with money like Mr. Krabs.


I mean seriously? This kid knows what he's talking about! I know it may sound silly but how many times have we worried over things like trying to find a job, money, going to college, etc. ? In reality it's really simple. We often think it's so unrealistic, the mind of a child... but look closer and you'll find something deeper. Everything they do.... everything they say (well most things they say) we can learn from. Their simplicity is what makes them so happy, their trust in their parents, their enthusiasm to make their dreams come true... Sure I can't work at Krusty Krabs but that doesn't mean I can't be the best cook in the whole wide world- in the eyes of my little brother! My job is to make him happy and bring forth happiness to everyone around me - to whom ever God sends down my path- will I past them by or will I chose to make an impact in their life, with the little gifts that God has given me?

So I babysat some kids a few weeks ago and this is what I received in the mail...

Sure, they spelt my name wrong- but by golly are they the cutest little buttons ever!!! ~ Every charitable act you do, will be returned in the same beautiful way as it was given. Sometimes we don't know how much a smile could change someone's day... :)

P.S. I have started a Facebook page, so don't be shy and like the page! :) -

The Desolation of Smaug

Yes.... I heard... everyone's talking about it! Well I saw this so called, 'Hobbit' movie about three months ago. My opinions? Well... first lets just get a few pointers out....

The book... was good. I read it about four years ago. I can barely remember what happened in the book -which would probably be a good thing if you're one of those people who say, "The movie has to be the same as the book."

The first movie of the Hobbit was good. At some point during the film I was getting a bit bored with the Goblin scene... but other than that I liked it. Now the second movie... It was absolutely... perfect! - excuse me ahmm... did I hear that right? Yes you did... I said it was absolutely perfect. Now before you stop reading, let me explain why...

Most people complain how Peter Jackson ruined the movie because he strayed away from the book. Well, Peter Jackson did not only use the 305 page Hobbit book to create this movie. He also used JRR Tolkins appendix and side notes to middle earth. These little side notes explained middle earth and other hidden facts we never knew about in the book. Now sure, Peter Jackson could've put his own twist to the movie, but he sure did do a good job doing so. In his movie The Lord of The Rings... he did a lot of twisting there as well. Many people don't realize it, but he changed a lot of things in that movie- it's just that so many people never actually read all three 400 page books. So when they watched the movie there was nothing to find error with.

Key things people could not stand during the movie...
  • The mega HD 3D - I highly recommend not to go see the movie in this frame speed. It sucked me OUT of the movie. It looked so real... it looked fake. I'm sure this wasn't Jackson's intention all he wanted to do was make it better- In my opinion I like my movies without it being 3D
  • Beorn - Now this guy (when he's still in his form as a bear) he seems to be more scary and intimating than the Orcs that are chasing after the dwarfs. Not to mention, that Bear is HUGE and so awesome looking- but when he turns into a human.... a little disappointing.
  • Legolas- What happened to his beautiful blue contact lensed eyes?....they're no longer gentle! 
          Now this was his expression throughout the whole entire movie.... I'm not even gonna say anymore.... just take a long look >>> 

<<<< Now here's the lovable elf we all know!

  • The dwarfs separated! They never EVER NEVER ever separate!!! -they were suppose to stay together at all times! ... 
  • The so called love triangle- a lot of people where like... NOOOOOO not another Twilight!.... Fact is: ...a she-elf can't fall in love with a dwarf... the end. Case closed.
  • Kili getting hurt? Why does he get hurt and then his life is saved when he's  supposed to die anyway at the end of the 3rd movie? ~I guess Jackson needed some suspense.
    Now lets take a look at this at a different point of view....

Let's take out all the negativity... and look at it with a new eye. The whole world of Middle comes to life in a visual format. How awesome is that!!!??? Jackson does a terrific job of bringing words to life. The beauty of all the scenes are just overwhelming. I'm not sure how to explain it, but have you ever read a book but when you read it you pictured it as a movie? Yeah, he got it right on the nose!
  • The Lake Town- it was perfect! I liked how Jackson took the old cartoon's version of Lake Town and made it into his own. I thought it was awesome.
  • Touriel- I know many people were upset about her even being in the movie along with Legolas for that matter. But did you know she was like the only girl? And I actually liked the love between the two, it kept me suspense on whether or not she'd run after Kili... I guess I liked it cause I'm a girl and well I like that kind of stuff. 
  • All the suspense simutanuously, I mean I counted like 5 story plots going on at the same time~ Gandalf with the Orcs, Legolas with the leader Orc, Tauriel healing Kili, Lake Town people capturing the black arrow guy, and Bilbo talking to Smaug. ~ I couldn't even sit still in my chair!
  • I also loved how they had more background information on Bard
  • Now... Smaug was perfect! I usually hate it when animals/creatures talk in movies but they did the perfect job!
  • And the ending cliff hanger????? ABSOLUTELY perfect!!! 
I mean sure there were bad parts you wish Jackson could have taken out, but the overall movie~ it was perfect! Now many of you can disagree with me, I completely understand. This is just my opinion ... but overall we all know nothing can beat Lord of The Rings!

I have made little comic strips of how I thought during the movie! Enjoy!!! :D And be sure to post your questions in the comment section and if you'd like to share your opinion or favorite part of the movie, don't hesitate! 

That Awkward Moment when...

Yes! I'm back on track! I forced myself to write a post on my blog no matter how busy I am. So to start it off here's something I hope you all will enjoy!

Okay... so I'm sure we all had those awkward moments when something happens. Well... I was just thinking.... I think my awkward moment tops them all. You see... usually I wouldn't be telling people my awkward moments because well... because I'm a shy person and I just hate it when I get embarrassed but I just wanna let everyone know I'm not perfect, I'm human, and I make mistakes. The one thing I try to follow is, don't grieve over your mistakes, take them as a lesson and if it helps laugh at them. The whole world wont explode if you tip over the glass china your great great grandmother passed on to your mom- no... yeah I think 'your' world would explode. But thats not the point you move on and shurg it off. Don't get stuck in the pass. It's a waste of time.

So... moving on to my awkward moment when....

It was my little brothers birthday. He turned 7 and all his friends went with us to go to the Museum. And I was in charge of making sure they didn't get lost. There was just 3 of them but just think... 3 seven year olds running off into a museum with about over 100 other little kids running around with no mommies. It was hectic and loud! So everything was going just fine... well kind of, one of my little brother's friends (lets call him Kyle) was not only a talker but a wonderer. He would not stand still for at least 5 seconds. The whole time I was running here and there trying to make him stay with the 'pack'. And mean while I had to watch the other two. So... it was crazy! But there came a point when Kyle ran into the other exhibit and the other two were on the other side of the museum. I was exhausted from all this running and I was ready to show this kyle kid who's boss and that we can't go running off like that.  So... I said,

"Kyle we can't play there."
he wasn't turning around
"Kyle we have to go now."
he still wasn't turning around
"Kyle! I said we have to go!" I started pulling on his arm to follow me but he just would not move!
"Kyle!" I said as a pulled harder.
He finally turned around and a lady ran up to me in a panic picking up her child and said,
"LEAVE HIM ALONE! THAT'S NOT YOUR KID! HE'S MINE!" She ran away from me like I had a gun and wouldn't you know Kyle was standing right next to me the whole time and he started laughing,
"HA HA! You thought that kid was me! Oh, boy your stupid!"
I grabbed Kyle's arm and said,
"You Mister were wearing the same clothes as that kid!"

And believe me after that ... I learned my lesson... never Never Ever doubt a seven year old's mind. They are way smarter than you think. So yep that was that... My very very awkward moment...

If you have question or would like to share "your very awkward moment" please post in the comments! Thank you!

Hello There!

Yes... my excuse is I've been busy and thats why I haven't posted anything but I would like to wish you all a happy New Year!!! I hope all of you had a very wonderful time with your family and friends.

Now I have some bad and good news to tell you. Which one would you like to hear first? Okay, I'll start with the bad... Hunter Rose will be going under some construction so there wont be any posts for a while. The good news? It wont be long! And when it's back it will be better than before! :)

Thank you all for your patience while I try to make Hunter Rose a better blog site.

Take care and hope to see you back soon!

Updates and More Updates!!!

Okay.... so I know that I said there was going to be a giveaway this month for christmas... but things got busy! I had no idea that christmas was just a few more days away! But the good news is... the next Giveaway will aim for February so make sure you keep a look out! -If you have any request of what you think the prizes should be, you are more than welcome to post your thoughts in the comment section.

I will be changing a few things on my blog. The first thing I'd like to announce is that I will be making a new page- not a new blog- but a new page titled, 'My Sketches'. You will be able to view all my inner thoughts and secrets- Ha! no way... but something like it. Just like every artist we have our own sketches that are created before it becomes a master piece. I absolutely love looking at sketches- it's like a diary of an artist. Most people are too afraid to share their sketches because it isn't perfect and most of them are not completed- but that's the best part about it. It's like viewing the world from their perspective.

The second thing is... Yes I will be making a tutorial but it wont be a video due to the fact I have no video camera. As of now I will be doing it photo by photo, so just bare with me for a little while. I will aim for making a new post every week. I already have a list of posts to publish but just never got around to finish them up. - No worries I will.

And finally here's a recent copic sketch marker drawing I finished. It's Cinderella if you didn't know. ;-)
The next drawing will be of Smaug from the Hobbit. ~yes I draw dragons and sea monsters. I'm not just 'girly' with all the princess stuff. I live with 7 brothers... I have to please them with my drawings somehow. :-/

And yes... I've seen the recent Hobbit movie- I will be giving my thoughts and opinions about it in another blog post- so that shall be fun! 

Well that's pretty much it. If I do not write another blog post before christmas... 

I wish you all a very

Merry Christmas!

May God bless you always! 

                                                    ~Hunter Rose

Russian Tea Cakes

Oh, look.... Christmas is right around the corner!

I know this is an art blog... but I can't just sit here and be silent while I'm enjoying these delicious treats! I just gotta share this recipe! Yes, I can cook... I love cooking and I absolutely love these melt in your mouth Russian Tea cakes! They are soooo good! They are just perfect for the holidays!
And guess what? They are so simple to make that even a 7 year old could remember this recipe!

So... here are the ingredients!

-1 cup of butter
-1 teaspoon of vanilla
-6 tablespoons of powder sugar
-2 cups of all-purpose flour
-1 cup of chopped walnuts
-1/3 cup of powder sugar for decoration( I usually end up using more than this)

Okay so now that you've looked in your kitchen to make sure you've got all the ingredients together, preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Get a large bowl to cream the butter and vanilla until it's smooth. Once that's done, combine the 6 tablespoons of powder sugar and flour into the butter mixture until well blended. Mix in chopped walnuts. The next step is to roll the dough into 1 inch balls and place them on an ungreased cookie sheet 2 inches apart.

Bake in oven for 12 minutes - time may vary depending upon your oven. I have the most wacky oven and mine may range from 8-10 minutes to get done. You just want them in the oven until they are a very light golden color.

Once they are done, let them cool. When they have been cooled, roll them in the 1/3 cup of powder sugar until they are fully coated.
Viola! They are ready to be devoured by your hungry little monsters. (aka siblings) They taste even better when they are still a bit warm inside, so make sure if you want to impress someone give it to them fresh!

Well that's it! I hope you liked it- if you have any questions please feel to ask in the comments below, thank you!


Too Old For Silly Stories?

Yes I was that girl... while everyone else played on the playground, I sat in the corner and read a book.

Now when I say read a book, that didn't quite mean I was a bookworm and read all these high level books above my grade level. fact I was quite average when it came to reading, but I would spend hours and hours in a bookstore just browsing through all the books thinking of how magical they were. Books were another way of escaping the class bullies.They opened up a door to imagination! I felt that I could truly be me and not worry about what the rest of the world would think. I had my own little world filled with monsters... which usually resembled some of my malicious enemies and I had the so called 'Prince' that would save me from the highest tower which usually meant my crush in second grade.You see... this is what my childhood was like... creating my own stories that would take me to another place. I know it sounds kinda childish- well that's because it was. 

We were all once kids with imaginations... life seemed like a better place. For some reason we were able to be happy in the worst of situations. And it was because every time a fire breathing dragon came our way... we were able to fight it off with our super strength power, we got from drinking a potion we stole from the local evil scientist. What happened to our imagination? Did we grow too old for silly stories? Life would be a whole lot easier if we were to look at life in a child's perspective. The whole reason why I want to continue being an illustrator for children's books, is too bring life to stories and give children that imagination world I once had as a child. I want them to enjoy a world full of endless joy. And I believe just one simple illustration could make a child's day... and since this is a Thanksgiving post...I would like to thank my little brother- Iggy, for reminding me each and everyday to live life easy and as a child would. Being happy with whatever God puts in your life! He's fearless to discover new things and is more than ready to add new adventures to his life. 
I love you Iggy!

Rainy Days

We've all had those times when we just felt as if we're alone in this great big world. Whether it was
because no one would listen or because no one cared... 
We try to figure out why things happen the way they do. We end up thinking it's all our fault and we are the problem. So what do we do? We become someone different. Someone we're not. For a moment the world seems to love us again and we think we're happy... but are we really?  Is this what we really wanted? it's not and never will be. Truth is, we weren't meant for this world. But God put us here for a reason and maybe that reason was to change the world- not become it. The world gives us rain clouds that discourages our dreams and tells us we weren't meant to become the very best. There's only a handful of people that will see the true beauty in us. Not everyone was meant to recognize it, but it's up to us to follow who we were designed to be. Will you follow the crowd or stand out and bring forth color to the world? In the midst of trial... what will you do? Will you let the rain wash away your dreams? Stay true to who you are and never change for someone else. You were meant to shine, don't let the world tell you otherwise.

"Rain clouds aren't there to make us grey, they're there to make us a little brighter."
                                                                                                         ~Hunter Rose

Inspiration, Motivation, Advice?

Here's another request I got from a few people... What inspires me to do my art?
A lot of things inspire me. So much I could say everything. :-) But the one thing that inspires me most is life itself. I have my own little things that motivate me, like I want to bring happiness to the world through my art or that it just makes me happy and I know that's where God is calling me to be.
I always think, what's a life without color? Just imagine a world without art -I think I would die! The thing is, art is everywhere. You can't run away from it, no matter how far you run and that's what I love most about it- it will always be there even when other people can't see it.

Now that's basically what inspires me now you gotta find out what inspires you. Everyone's different, it's like trying to discover who you are. :-)

Here's some common problems people tell me they have,
Either they can't draw because they just have no idea what to draw or they can draw but they get stuck and never end up finishing it.

Here's some advice on how to get rid of that obnoxious wall...
1.) There is no such thing as, 'There's nothing to draw.' - You have the whole universe you can draw, it's just a matter of starting with something small.
2.) When you get stuck, put your unfinished drawing in a folder and ground yourself from it for a whole week, don't even peek at it. Once the week has passed, dig up that folder and take a look at your drawing. I guarantee you will discover the missing link to finishing your drawing.

One last thing... always, always discover new ways to create art. Never stick to one thing, because how would you ever know what you're good at? It's like using Crayola crayons all your life and being too afraid to pick up a paint brush! -Yikes!

And speaking of trying new things here's a little story I hope motivates you the next time your unsure to try new things...

About a year ago I had to paint a canvas 27 x 38. I never painted on canvas in my life before and I was commissioned to paint a forest. In my head I had no idea how I was going to paint this forest. So I had to do my research and look at different paintings of forests.
My first attempt wasn't working to well so I had to start all over. My second attempt I got the wrong color - by this point it was around 11 pm at night and it was due the next morning. I was determined to get it done, so I did a little more research and I came across some paintings these amazing artist did. Each and everyone of them had their own way of doing it. I watched them do it and although I never tried doing this technique in my life, I decided to take a risk and go for it. I didn't care that only the 'professional' artists did this technique, all I did was say to myself, 'I can paint that!' So I went back to my canvas and at this moment it was my third attempt and
as I started to paint I had no worries... I felt like I was in heaven! No kidding, it was amazing. Everything around me seemed to disappear and it was only me and that canvas. I was seriously glued! And before you knew it, I finished it! It was 3am in the morning! Believe it or not but I wish that feeling of a bit of heaven hadn't ended there. I looked at the master piece and my breath was taken away. I stood there for about 15 minutes just staring at it. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was! I knew I hadn't done it alone! It had to be God Himself. It now hangs on my bedroom wall waiting to find it's home. Every morning I wake up and see that painting and just stare at it, even though I'm the one who painted it I still wonder what it means.

Now it's your turn! Happy drawing! ;-)

What medium do I use for my Art???

A few people have asked me what medium I use or what type of tools I use to create my artwork. So here's the insider!

For most of my art I end up using three different mediums; pencil, ink, and color-whether it be paint, markers or colored pencils.

But I always do a sketch so I know what i'm drawing and how I want it to look like. For sketching you don't need any special pencil- just a regular number 2 pencil- how easy is that?!

And after the sketching sometimes (okay most times) I like to out line my sketch with a black pen. This took experience, due to the fact that you have to watch out which pens you use. Some inks don't mix well with water color or markers- but if your using colored pencils, any pens should be fine. But if you're not, you will get a big muddy mess! Yikes!

The pens I use are called Copic inking pens. These work really well when it comes to using markers or any water based media. You can get them at any Hobby Lobby or Michael's craft store. This pack I got is around $15. It has 4 different size nibs which makes it easy if you want your out line thick or thin. (after I outline in pen I take an eraser and erase all the pencil sketching so that it wont mix in with my colors.)

Now lately I've been using Copic Sketch markers. Which are really really expensive markers not everyone can afford- I was lucky enough to get a hold of them. They are two sided alcohol based markers with a fine tip nib and a super brush. They come in over 300 colors. What makes these markers different from regular markers you'd get at Walmart, is that they are blending markers, meaning that you can work with them and blend the colors together. The way I think of them is that they are like watercolor paint inside a marker. I highly recommend these markers only if you have the money. The only problem is since they are blending markers, your going to have to get a whole set in order for it to work (different shades of colors plus the colorless blender marker for it to blend well.)

Since not everyone can get a hold of Copic Sketch markers I suggest you start off small and work your way up. I started off with water color paint and then acrylic paint. I believe these are the most fun to work with. Not only are they the cheapest but they are the easiest to create  new colors with. Markers can't create a new color by mixing colors together. Now when your using acrylic, you don't need to go over your sketch with ink due to the fact the paint is too thick for you to be able to see what's underneath it. (when using watercolor it's okay to outline with ink.)

Another easy and cheap medium is colored pencils! I absolutely love them! You can take them anywhere with you. I only have one little problem with colored pencils. When using them, you can never make your artwork a bold color.  It always looks like it has a washed out effect- but some people have different opinions so go with whatever pleases you. :-)

I don't advice using crayons... I know that's what you were trained to use in kindergarten but let's just face it... Crayola crayons... they aren't that pretty on paper... speaking of paper... when using these mediums there are certain types of paper you have to use. So make sure you use the right ones!

Well that's it! Happy drawing! ;-)

Here's a list of the media I used for the artwork I have for sale;

*Little Red Riding Hood - #2 pencil, copic inking pens, copic sketch markers, black colored pencils

*Under the Sea - #2 pencil, copic inking pens, copic sketch markers, glitter gel pens(from Walmart)

*Standing Still - #2 pencil, 8B pencil, 6B pencil

*Serenity - #2 pencil, copic inking pens, copic sketch markers, glitter gel pens

*Misty Forest - acrylic and water color paint

If you have any questions please post in the comments! Thank you!

Your Day Is Just A Painting...

We all have our so called bad days when we just know that we woke up on the wrong side of the bed. All we want to do is either go back to sleep or wish the day could start over. Whether it was because you just couldn't make your hair stay the way you wanted or because your little brother finished off the rest of the cereal before you got down stairs. We can all agree we don't always end up having a good day but what I realized, is that even though my day starts off bad, I still have to finish it and it's just like an unfinished painting... It may look bad at first but how do you know that in the end it wont be beautiful? One of my mottos, "Never ever give up on an unfinished drawing because you will never know the end results." I take this and not only do I use it when I'm doing my art-  I use it every time I think my day has turned out bad. We can't be to quick to judge our day, who knows what God has in store for you.
So the next time your hair doesn't look it's best, throw on a cute hat. And when your brother eats all the cereal before you go down stairs?- Grab an apple and start munching. It's funny how these little simple things determine how our days turn out to be, in reality... your day is just a painting waiting to become a master piece. - Live life to the fullest, be happy, and smile. ;-)

Who's the Big Bad Wolf?

We never know what could be lurking right behind us, that would stop us from completing our journey.  It could be anyone at anytime. It even could be the people we trust most. The people we least expected.  We can't see them coming because they are in disguised as something good, but little do we know underneath their disguise is indeed a wolf.
But have we really looked to see who that wolf might be? It's you. We often beat ourselves up saying things like, 'I'm not beautiful enough.' or  'I will never be smart.' We are indeed the 'bad guy.'
Every time we push ourselves down with insults we get nowhere into finishing our journey. We get stuck thinking we can no longer complete it because we are not good enough, but in reality we can... we are better than we think we are. We need to stop comparing ourselves with everyone else, because we were all made differently. We aren't supposed to be the same as everyone. Each of us is walking down a road with different purposes but each and every individual person is important. Everyone has something great to accomplish, everyone has a beautiful plan set before them- sure there will be rocks in the road but that shouldn't be a problem if you know how beautiful you are, how much you're loved, how much you're worth, how much you could change someone's life with just a smile.